
Dios es Amor la Biblia lo Dice

God is Love – The Bible Says So

As a priest of the Catholic Church, I am humbled to share with you the profound truth that God is love, as stated in the Bible. Throughout the scriptures, we can find numerous events and teachings that highlight the divine nature of love and its central role in our relationship with God.


The Love of God in Creation

One of the most remarkable demonstrations of God’s love can be found in the creation story. In the book of Genesis, it is written that God lovingly crafted the heavens and the earth, bringing forth light, land, and all living creatures. This act of creation showcases God’s immense love for His creation, providing us with a beautiful and harmonious world in which to dwell.

The Love of God in the Old Testament

Throughout the Old Testament, we encounter numerous accounts that depict God’s unwavering love for His chosen people. From the story of Noah and the ark, where God showed mercy to Noah and his family, to the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, where God delivered them from bondage, we witness a consistent theme of God’s love and protection.

Moreover, the prophetic books in the Old Testament reveal God’s yearning for His people to return to Him. Despite their unfaithfulness, God’s love remains steadfast, as demonstrated in the book of Hosea, where the prophet portrays God as a faithful spouse, relentlessly pursuing His unfaithful bride.

The Love of God in the New Testament

The pinnacle of God’s love is unveiled in the New Testament with the coming of Jesus Christ. In the Gospels, we witness the embodiment of God’s love through Christ’s words and actions. His teachings on forgiveness, compassion, and selfless love serve as a guiding light for all believers.


Jesus’ ultimate act of love is revealed in His sacrificial death on the cross. Through this supreme act, He showed His unfathomable love for humanity, willingly bearing our sins and offering us redemption. As the apostle John states in his gospel, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).

The Commandments of Love

The scriptures consistently emphasize the importance of love in our relationship with God and one another. In the New Testament, Jesus summarizes all the commandments into two essential principles: love for God and love for our neighbors. He says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).


These commandments call us to selflessness, kindness, and compassion, reflecting the divine love that God has shown us. They are a call to action, urging us to live in accordance with God’s love and to share it abundantly with those around us.


As we reflect on the events and teachings found within the scriptures, it becomes evident that God is indeed love. From the act of creation to the sacrificial love of Christ, the Bible consistently affirms this truth. It is a truth that should shape our understanding of God and guide our actions as we strive to emulate His love in our lives.

God is Love, the Bible Says So

To delve deeper into the profound concept of God’s love as revealed in the scriptures, I invite you to read our comprehensive article: “God is Love, the Bible Says So.” Explore the richness and depth of God’s love and its transformative power in our lives.